Saturday, January 2, 2010

Another good Goal-setting article from Mike Robertson

Robertson Training Systems Newsletter 6.01

The Most Important Newsletter You'll Get All Year?

"The goal is to keep the goal, the goal."

Dan John, A Philospohy of Strength Training DVD

Prophetic words from Dan John, but then again, would you expect anything less?

I'm not kidding around when I say this could be the most important newsletter you get all year.

Right now, today, you can determine if 2010 is your best training year ever, or yet another year spent frustrated and spinning your wheels.

Hopefully you're reading this over a cup of coffee with only a mild hangover from another New Year's Eve bash. It's crazy to think about, but the older we get, the faster the years seem to speed by.

Before moving on to e-mail and everything else, take a second to reflect on this one, simple question for me:

If you could only achieve ONE physical goal this year, what would it be?

Would it be to lose 20 pounds?

Would it be to put on 10 pounds of muscle?

Would it be to set new PR's in your squat, bench and deadlift?

Would it be to finally assess those nagging issues and correct them once and for all?

Take a second to reflect on what's most important to you - and then write down your goal. Ideally, it's a SMART goal:

S - Specific

M - Measurable

A - Attainable

R - Realistic

T- Timely

From there, as Dan John would say, "The goal is to keep the goal, the goal."

Unfortunately, that's easier said than done.

As with everything, it's easy to get training ADD. All of a sudden your fat loss goal turns to muscle gain, or your strength training shifts gears to getting uber-lean.

If you only do one thing for me this year, do this - write down your ONE fitness related goal for 2010 and set out right now on the path to achieve it. Once it's written down (or typed up on a computer), I want you to post it in one or two places you'll see it everyday.

It could be in your car.

It could be on your desk at work.

It could be on the fridge at home (this is fantastic if it's a weight/fat loss goal).

Or, my personal favorite, on the mirror where you get ready for your day.

You can decide right now, today, what kind of year you are going to have.

Is it going to be your best year ever? Or simply more of the same?

Good luck and here's looking forward to an amazing 2010!

All the best


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