Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday Jan 12th FITDAY.COM

Legs-core day

roman chair knee lifts
plank combo(front to side)

As many as we could get through in 40 minutes

Homework: Write down everything you put in your mouth, what it is and how much, Tuesday-Sunday. We will reveiw them together on Monday. This includes water!

For Example: This morning I ate three large eggs cooked in a teaspoon of butter, a Grapefruit, 2 kiwi's, a full glass of water, three thin slices of Pastrami about the size of my hand, half an apple(dried).

If you have time, sign up for a free account on fitday.com Fill out a profile and it will allow you to enter all your food and exercise for the day. You can then see your macronutrient breakdown as well as a micronutrient breakdown. you can also enter measurements and track them over time. It's a little slow to get started but once you get it, it goes pretty fast. The hardest part is estimating how much of a food you ate, and entering things like homemade wheat noodle chicken soup. It might be wise to actually measure your food for a while till you get a good eye for it.

I would also include how you feel throughout the day, hungry, weak, great, fat, skinny, sick, etc. Especially as you go to bed.

Good luck, I'm sure this will help, don't waste our perfectly good workouts!

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