Thursday, February 18, 2010

Goal setting by Brian Grasso

Here's a good description of how to set your goals.

My talk at this past weekend's IYCA International Summit was a true
reflection of me, Josh.

The way I think and how I take information from resources outside this
industry and use it to become a better Coach.

While the Summit DVD's are in production, I thought I would give you a
brief run-down on the section of my presentation I called 'Goal Setting'.

It was a system I first learned about in a book called 'In Pursuit of
Excellence' and have used successfully in my own life, as well as the
lives of my young athletes over the past decade.

Over the years, I tweaked and altered things a bit until it became a system
that worked beautifully -- every time it's applied.

The whole crux of this system is reversing the direction of obtaining your

That is, reversing the direction that most of us try to travel.

Rather than creating a goal and then establishing an objective or task list
that moves forward, start with the end in mind and travel backwards.

Establish your goal and assign it a 'due date'.

Next, itemize where you need to be in production of that goal by one month
previous to its end point.

Then, do the same for one month previous to that.

Keep traveling backwards until you end at your current day.

What you will have established is a literal path that takes you from where you
are to where you want to be in a successive manner.

The key is to understand where you have to be in one month in order to
obtain your goal by the target date you initially set forth.

This 'backwards chaining model' allows you to create those markers quite
easily and removes the burden of developing a giant 'to do' list without
cause or reason for how or when each of the separate tasks will be completed.

This is worked for me in business, in my personal life and for hundreds of
my young athletes who were working towards performance goals.

Read and re-read this email carefully and try to apply this strategy for yourself.

It is and has been, one of the most powerful goal attainment systems I have
ever seen or used.

I recently created an entire audio instructional of this system for all IYCA
Members and placed it on the website.

If you are not already a Member of the IYCA, you can become one by
clicking the link below -

'Til next time,


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